Eco-Bio Platform Technology
생태 바이오
플랫폼 기술

우리는 급변하는 '환경'과 '시장'의 요구를
동시에 해결하기 위해 20년에 걸쳐
'생태 바이오 플랫폼 기술'을 개발하였습니다
Climate change is progressing rapidly, and human genetics are highly sensitive to environmental changes due to their close genetic interconnection with Earth's biosphere. The UN COP has proposed new industrial frameworks centered on nature-based solutions, climate adaptation, and mitigation. Companies are required to adopt ESG management and innovative ecological technologies to drive green transitions and establish sustainable industrial ecosystems. Over the past 20 years, we have developed an "Ecological Biotechnology Platform Technology" to address these challenges

Climate crisis

Food crisis

Health crisis
이것이 우리의
해법 기술입니다!
Solution technology
Discover the Plant Platform Green Red Bio Technology
식물 플랫폼 그린 레드 바이오 기술을
Humanity will increasingly face significant challenges such as the climate crisis, health crisis, and food crisis in the coming years. The economic damage and social instability caused by these crises are intensifying, and addressing them effectively requires the adoption of nature-based solution (NbS) technologies and a transition to ecological industries. These technologies play a crucial role in preserving biodiversity, promoting resource circulation, and driving the sustainable growth of future-oriented cities and the biotechnology industry. Elan Vital Bio presents innovative and practical solutions for the ecological biotechnology industry through the VPMI platform technology developed by its founder, Nam Wooyoung.


그린 레드 바이오 대사체로 구현하는
새롭고 혁신적인 바이오 식품, 바이오 건강기능식품, 바이오 화장품, 바이오 의약품의 시대가 곧 시작됩니다!
Through the ecological bio-resource, the Green Red Bio Metabolome, we can create safe and innovative bio-foods, bio-health supplements, bio-pharmaceuticals, and bio-cosmetics, as well as bio-materials applicable to various life science fields. This will usher in a new era of unprecedented innovation and transformation, establishing a groundbreaking foundation for the future of biotechnology and sustainable development.

Green Red Bio Platform Technology, VPMI
Transforming Plants into Bio resources for Human Health
ReQuest Areas
Technology Transfer, Equity Invest, and Patnership Agreements in Various Application Technology Sector

Contact us : elanvitalbio@gmail.com
+82 -10-4229-9171